Digital Warriors

Atlanta Based Internet Marketing Company

Month: June, 2014

Maximizing The Use of Custom Reports in Google Analytics

The Google Analytics tool is loaded with great features and functionalities that can help improve the search engine optimization outcomes. Because every internet marketer has his own marketing goals, it is imperative to know which features of the Google Analytics will most likely help their SEO campaigns. Using the custom report function in the analytics tool will help you filter the best metrics to measure in order to improve your marketing outcomes.

Identifying the most popular landing page on your site

The landing pages feature of the tool will give you an overview which among your website pages are generating more popularity online as well as the one that gets the most traffic. This part of the analytic tool will filter results according to the highest number of click through rates and impression of your web pages. Use the landing page report of the Google Analytics tool to identify which pages will likely drive sales and leads to your business.

Tracking your conversions

The tool can provide a conversion report by date and time which is a convenient feature in tracking down the real time conversions taking place in your business. One of the advantageous features of using this custom report of the analytic tool for SEO is that it gives you a better idea at what time of the day your business yields the highest conversion and when is the time your customers are likely to be engaged in interacting with your business.

Understanding how your customers interact with your business

If you want to take your brand closer to your target customers, it is essential to understand how your new and old customers engage with your website. The custom report on customer behavior will give you the advantage in tracking three metrics concerning your new and returning customer behaviors namely traffic, events and conversions.

Identify your search engine optimization ranking

For most Search Engine Optimization fanatics, this feature of the Google Analytics tool gives them more interesting information regarding their SEO ranking. From the custom report you will find a spreadsheet report indicating your website landing pages alongside with its keywords, impressions, CTR and ranking. This load of information will give you more detailed sources on reviewing the various areas of your search engine optimization strategies that need some improvements for better website traffic. You can use the metrics available in measuring the best keywords that bring a higher conversion rate to your landing pages and you can sort out which pages give the highest conversion rate and traffic source to your website.

Ultimate Guide in Best SEO Blogging Styles for Beginners

SEO blogging is a productive undertaking that every blogger should know to help their blog rank high on the search engine results.

Learning how to do search engine optimization is necessary among bloggers in order to enhance their productive results for online marketing. SEO techniques can influence how a blog can rank high on the search engine and it can boost your blog traffic over time. Understanding the value of SEO and learning how to do it right can become a productive undertaking to a blogger. Even beginners have no excuse not to learn the different SEO blogging styles that can help their blog become popular on search. SEO is a technique that optimizes your blog content for better exposure on the search results.

Use professional blogging platform to enhance your SEO campaign

You will need a professional blogging platform in order to further optimize your SEO blogging undertaking. It is often essential to own your own domain and to pay for a reliable host for your website in order to make your blog site look more professional. However, beginners often find this step quite intimidating and they can start slow by launching their own blog site using a free blog platform that can provide them high quality search engine optimization features.

Platforms like WordPress and Blogspot are good prospects to use for SEO blogging. For one, Blogspot is owned by Google and this gives your blog site an advantage for getting better exposure online when you use SEO techniques properly. WordPress on the other hand provides powerful SEO blogging features to help you promote your content and improve its structures to become more SEO compliant. There are a lot of WordPress plugins that can make optimizing your content easier by automation without requiring some technical know-how about SEO.

Build organic links to your blog site

One method of making the search engine take notice of your blog is to build organic links to it. This method however will take time but the effort is worth it if you are patient enough to see the results. Link building is an effective means of optimizing your blog exposure for search but an important requirement is that the links must be natural or organic. Link farming can negatively impact your blog ranking on the search. This often involves buying links from other sites and creating your own content across various websites and linking them back to your blog site.

Google has an intelligent technology in identifying unnatural links to a site and you might end up getting penalized for doing so or your Blogspot blog account might get banned by Google. Build natural links by publishing high quality content in order to get other website users to link back to your content. Building your authorship is a good way of making people link back to your site too. Offer solutions to your target blog readers and make them naturally link to your site by giving them good reasons to because your blog content is worth sharing to their social media networks.

For more information: The Modern Approach: SEO merges with Social Media Marketing